Every hero has an origin story, this is mine.


Jator Pierre of Explore With Jator has been in the practice of transforming lives since 1999. Using a vast toolbox of modalities to bring about lasting change in his clients, his work primarily focuses on emotional trauma, auto-immune issues, digestive disorders, chronic stress, and chronic pain.

He is passionate about seeing the bigger picture and how that trickles down to the underlying mechanisms which lead to pathology, disease, and symptoms. His purpose is to help people examine and understand how the body functions and how each physical symptom correlates to and is expressive of underlying mental, emotional, and behavioral patterns.

Jator works globally through Zoom and in person in Berkeley, CA. His clientele is usually those searching for answers after working with many other healthcare professionals.


All of the parts of myself, Jator… the eternal seeker, the comic-obsessed hockey player, and the lifestyle & wellness coach are all dedicated to helping you understand all the parts of you because it is only through curiosity and self-understanding that you can make the best choices for your health and well-being to truly THRIVE!

I have always been an observer and a freedom seeker. I was drawn into this work over 20 years ago from a place of curiosity and that’s how I live my life and do my work… CURIOSITY is what it all comes back to.

I chose this work because I learned through my own struggle with weight and shame that a fully integrative approach is a prerequisite to healing. Along that journey, I refused to try to be something that I am not… I can’t fathom wearing a suit and going to work in a cubicle-cage every day. I am who I am, what-ya-see is what-ya-get. I make no pretense and I make no adjustment for it.

You can rest in the knowledge that I have no objective for you except the one you have for yourself. I have no agenda to push, no path that I want you to be on. I am a facilitator for you to uncover your own way and a teammate to help you follow that path to your ultimate self-expression.

So if you’re curious about me, here’s a few tidbits about my many sides of self:

The early days…


Cali born and raised, I’ve always been surrounded by diversity to explore… in nature, in people, and in thought. I was raised to be an observer. At the heart of it, that’s what I am, an observer of people. And in the more than two decades that I have been studying the interplay of human systems I have observed quite a few things. I think this observation of what’s unique in all of us allows me to release “my way” and be more able to open up the way for you to see and connect with your inner selves.

My early childhood obsession with comics and the HULK were perfectly "normal". One day I noticed that the transformation of Bruce Banner into the HULK was a perfect metaphor for so much around the human psyche… emotions manifest, the sides of humanity, intellect, rage, heart, protector of inner self, and so much more. I think there’s a little HULK in all of us. I can often be found talking about what your childhood is trying to share with you.

As a kid I struggled with my weight after the divorce of my parents. I didn't have the language to communicate my feelings, so weight seemed to collect on my body to protect me from the world. Fate put me on the ice at age 11 and my heart never left the rink. I’ve been an avid player ever since. Hockey is my moving meditation; my place of freedom, speed, expression, and play. Play is such an important and impactful way to connect with your true self. I find play so important to our growth and integration of new information that I include it wherever I can.  As I grew up I took charge of my physical health and hockey was a part of my journey to peak physical shape.

I felt a connection to the ability to sharpen and hone ones physical performance through athletics. I truly wanted to help people to be their best and from what I knew at the time, a degree in kinesiology was the best way to do it.

Seeing beyond the ‘norm’


Fresh out of college with a degree in Kinesiology, I went out into the world to help athletes with their performance. I was helping people that were already in peak physical shape get just a little bit better. I found over time that helping people make marginal gains wasn't fulfilling. But something strange happened- I began to notice changes in physiology connected to my clients emotional wellbeing. It was more than mindset shifts or correct form. This was deeper.

I could see that people were operating on an unconscious program. Their mental and emotional states were the biggest predictor of their physical performance.

So I went on a quest to find out why.

Because of my training in the physical working of the body, it was quite a stretch for me to begin diving into the emotional side of things. I was scared to put myself out there as a 'coach'. But perhaps even more so because this was more than twenty years ago before 'life coaching' was a thing. I persisted, slowly at first, and then fully transitioned when I could see it as a viable path for me professionally. My enthusiasm grew because of all the amazing changes I was seeing in my clients.

I was scared to put myself out there as a 'coach'. But perhaps even more so because this was more than twenty years ago before 'life coaching' was a thing.

Mentors made the difference


I fully realize that I could not have made this transition without the mentors I've come across in my life. I have trained with some of the top names in Holistic Coaching. They have taken me under their wing, helped me when I was in a challenging season, and helped me reduce my learning curve over the years. Now I follow their example in helping the next generation of coaches to develop these skills in their own lives so they can authentically show up in their practice. 

This mentorship was significant to me in the major shift with my own father. As I went deeper into this work, his reaction was to reject what I was learning and the man I was becoming. We went from being very close to not speaking at all.  At the time, it was truly painful, confusing, and frightening. I hadn't done anything to deserve this rift. What was happening? How do I heal from such pain?

I can look back now and see how necessary this was for my maturity and development into the man that I am today. It's a natural process of individuation. Through my persistence in self-development and the mentors, coaches, and community that I surrounded myself with that allowed me to grow through this painful process instead of being scarred by it. It was through my own diligence and the support of others along the path that I was able to become the person that I am today... a little wiser for the journey.

We can truly heal, heart, mind, and body through this work of honoring our wounds, connecting with the hurt parts of ourselves, and bringing that awareness into aligned action.

healing works


I learned to communicate with all the different parts of myself that had different feelings about the experience. I was able to step into compassionate communication, and heal my relationship with myself, with my father, and other relationships in my life.

That's what I am here to share with my clients and the world, the message that we can connect with the parts of us that have been wounded. We can grow through experience. And our physical well-being is dependent on our ability to do so.

We can truly heal, heart, mind, and body through this work of honoring our wounds, connecting with the hurt parts of ourselves, and bringing that awareness into aligned action.

This is three-dimensional holistic healing at its core. And it's what I want for each and every one of you.

I hope you'll join me...

  • I am not your "Personal Trainer"

    AND I work with people near and far to create a plan for physical activity that empowers, uplifts, and strengthens them. Physical activity is an essential part of living a healthy life but that’s not where we start. There is a lot to uncover, discover and learn before diving into an exercise and activity. Starting here from a diminished physical state can do more harm than good.

  • I am not your "GURU" or "HERO"

    BECAUSE no one but YOU can be an expert on your mind and body. I am not here to heal you. I am here to help guide you on the path to healing yourself. You are truly your own Guru.


    AND functional medicine is a tool in my toolbox to support you on your journey however I don’t stop there. A medical professional prescribes a treatment and sends you on your way to implement it. I go with you for the ride. I go beyond the physical body to the mental, emotional and environmental factors that are contributing to what you are experiencing.


    BUT I do assist you through your journey to holistic health; mentally, emotionally, physically. ‘Life Coaching’ is often about head-centered activities instead of heart-centered growing. I am not here to get you to follow MY way of living your life. I am here to guide you into yourself to uncover how you got to where you are, why you are stuck there, and how you can move beyond that to live the life that you desire to live in the way that you desire to live it.